How to help
we can be?

For more detailed information about our productions and services, please contact us through Mag Bag communication channels. We will get back to you as soon as possible. & +90 312 267 49 47 & Fill out the Contact Form.

The bags we produce are more durable than their counterparts such as nylon bags, kraft bags, box bags. In this way, it can be used for a long time and provides the advertising circulation of the brand. In addition, it does not pollute the nature as it does not turn into waste quickly.

First of all, an offer is sent to the customer for the requested bag. If a specific bag type and size is not available, a sample suitable for the product to be sold is prepared and sent to the customer for approval. The design of the bags with the specified features is completed and production starts. The order is completed within the specified time and delivered to the customer.

The type of fabric and the requested sewing technique are the main factors that determine the pricing. Bags using ultrasonic welding as a sewing method are affordable compared to those with thread stitching. Bags made of interlining fabric also have a lower cost than those produced with materials such as raw cloth and impertex.

Other factors affecting pricing are:

  • Weight,
  • Fabric Color,
  • Bag Dimensions,
  • Order Quantity.

We have stylish and durable products suitable for use in many sectors such as optics, patisserie, shoemaking, clothing, pharmacy and market. You can take advantage of our bags whether you are completing your online orders or to provide your store customers with a stylish carrying product.

  • Durability suitable for use in market chains,
  • Size and stylish design suitable for the transportation of products sold with boxes in sectors such as shoes and patisserie,

In addition, special designs in sizes and features for your company’s needs are possible with Mag Bag! You can contact us not only for bags, but also for your requests from different product groups such as cloth bags, product pouches, dress covers.

After thirty years of experience in the production of interlining fabrics, we are an experienced, sector-dominated organization that set out to produce bags. From our factory and office operating in Ankara, we send products all over Turkey, as well as to many points abroad. As Mag Bag, we have been continuing our production activities since 2013 with the production and sales of bags from materials such as interlining, raw cloth, impertex and many models.

Durable and stylish bags that can be used many times will be your assistant in every aspect of daily life. These bags are suitable for carrying market products, for organizations such as picnics, or for items and food to be taken to school or work.